Extract dialog box

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This lets you choose where and how you would like to extract your selected file if it is stored in a ZIP file.


If you wish to view a file with its associated application or with your editor, and the file is in a ZIP archive, then this dialog box will be produced.


Folder (XP only)

The currently selected folder is shown here. You can directly type in a folder name or previous folders can be retrieved from the history list. If you leave this field blank then the program will extract the file in its home folder. If the folder does not exist then you will be asked on closing the dialog box whether you want to create it.


Restore folders

Restore any folder structure stored in the ZIP file. If not selected, all the files will be extracted into the same folder.


Delete on closing

Delete the extracted file when you close the program. This option is useful if you want a file extracted on a temporary basis.



This confirms your options and starts the extraction of your file.